~~NOTOC~~ ====== Register Backups module ====== This module records all the backups that have been done. Necessary for inventory knowledge and legal requirements. \\ ---- dataentry ---- name : tsolucio/RegCpSeg type : corebos-module description_wiki: This module records all the backups that have been done. Necessary for inventory knowledge and legal requirements. keywords_tags : inventory,copias,seguridad,backup,lopd,record,register version : 1.0 homepage_url : http://corebos.org/documentation/doku.php?id=en:extensions:extensions:registercopiaseguridad release_dt : 2010-02-27 licenses : Vizsage price : 120eur buyemail_mail : paypal(at)tsolucio(dot)com distribution : Sale authorname : JPL TSolucio, S.L. authoremail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com supportemail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com ---- \\ ====== Fields ===== ==== Incident Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |Assigned To|assigned to| | |Created Time|datetime| | |Modified Time|datetime| | |Description|text| | |Identificacion|string| | |Frecuencia|picklist|No,Diaria,Semanal,Quincenal,Semanas Pares,Semanas Impares,Mensual,Trimestral,Anual | |ProcedimientoRealizacion|text| | |ProcedimientoRecuperacion|text| | |Ubicacion|string| | |UsuariosAutorizados|relation|Empleados,Contacts,Vendors | |Title|autonumber| **Identifier** | |Account|relation|Accounts | |StartTime|datetime (internal)| | |Nodisponible|checkbox| | |Plantilla|relation|Documents | |execProc|string| | |CopiaCifrada|picklist|Si,No | |Soportes|relation|Soportes | |Fichero|relation|Fichero | ==== Description Information === ==== Solution Information ===