====== Pivot View Mapping ====== The purpose of this mapping is to define a pivot view report of the records of a module. This map is in the "View Business Map" category as it serves the purpose of showing the records of a module in a different way than we usually see them in the list view. With this map, we will be able to divide the records into columns based on the distinct values in a field of the module as well as filter the records based on a search or custom view settings. As usual, the map to apply is selected using the name of the map which must be **{ModuleName}_Pivot** and you can use the global variable **BusinessMapping_{ModuleName}_Pivot** to define maps based on user and roles (among other escalation rules) just like most of the other maps. The accepted format is: Module name filter name field name value of module field name value of module field name This is a test map you can use to see it in action. Accounts All employees accounttype rating industry Which looks like this {{:en:adminmanual:businessmappings:preview-screenshot_at_2021-10-08_17-27-20.png|}}