====== Registered Modules, Extensions, Patches and Plugins ====== =====Get your access to this code!====== Select your subscription to more of our awesome code or contract a support plan so we can help you get the best out of coreBOS. {{paypal>desplegableSuscripcion}} You will be able to cancel your subscription at any moment, either in your paypal account or by clicking on this button: {{paypal>botonCancelar}} To make a payment of any amount to buy one of our products or to make a donation use the form below: {{paypal>botonCualquierPrecio}} ---- datatable ---- cols : %title%, description, type, distribution, authorname max : 50 dynfilters : 1 sort : %title% filter : type!=businessmapping filter : type=!gendoctemplate ---- ====== How to Register your Module, Extension, Patch or Plugin ====== You can [[:en:extensions:howtoregister|find instructions and steps on this page]].