~~NOTOC~~ ====== Lock Record Extension ====== This extension will inform about record editing and optionally block the edit completely.\\ When you access a record in detail view and another user in the application is editing it, you will be informed it is being edited. Optionally you can activate a full block, so, if you try to edit the record you will not be permitted to do so until the other edit finishes.\\ This work is based on Stefan Warnat's work as he donated the initial version to the coreBOS project. Thank you!! \\ ---- dataentry ---- name : tsolucio/cbLockIt type : corebos-extension description_wiki: This extension will inform about record editing and optionally block the edit completely.\\ When you access a record in detail view and another user in the application is editing it, you will be informed it is being edited. Optionally you can activate a full block, so, if you try to edit the record you will not be permitted to do so until the other edit finishes.\\ This work is based on Stefan Warnat's work as he donated the initial version to the coreBOS project. Thank you!! keywords_tags : lock,block,edit,stop version : 1.0 homepage_url : http://corebos.org/documentation/doku.php?id=en:extensions:extensions:cblockit release_dt : 2015-08-16 licenses : Vizsage price : 50eur buyemail_mail : paypal(at)tsolucio(dot)com distribution : Sale authorname : JPL TSolucio, S.L. authoremail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com supportemail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com ---- \\