~~NOTOC~~ ====== coreBOS Employee Module ====== Employee module for coreBOS \\ ---- dataentry ---- name : tsolucio/coreBOSEmployee type : corebos-module description_wiki: Employee module for coreBOS keywords_tags : employee,user version : 1.1 homepage_url : http://corebos.org/documentation/doku.php?id=en:extensions:extensions:corebosemployee release_dt : 2014-12-12 licenses : Vizsage distribution : Free authorname : JPL TSolucio, S.L. authoremail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com authorhomepage_url : http://tsolucio.com supportemail_mail : info(at)tsolucio(dot)com supportissues_url : https://github.com/tsolucio/coreBOSEmployee supportforum_url : http://discussions.corebos.org/ supportsource_url : https://github.com/tsolucio/coreBOSEmployee ---- \\ ===== How it works ===== This is a normal vtlib module which can be installed through the module manager. It contains a set of fields and information about your employees. The assigned to field can be linked to the user accessing the application as a means to extend the information we have about each employee that has access to coreBOS, but it is not really linked in any special way. ====== Fields ===== ==== Employee Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |Employee No|4| | |SSN|1| | |Name|1| **Identifier** | |ID|1| | |Situation|1| | |Marital Status|1| | |Category|1| | |numchildren|7| | |User|52| | |People in charge of|7| | |Birth Date|5| | |Birth Place|1| | |Age|7| | |Assigned To|53| | |Created Time|70| | |Modified Time|70| | ==== Employment Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |Yearly Compensation|1| | |Type of Contract|1| | |Hourly Compensation|1| | |Departament|1| | |Joined Company on|5| | ==== Contact Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |Address|21| | |Personal Phone|11| | |City|1| | |Cell Phone|11| | |State|1| | |Work Phone|11| | |Postal Code|1| | |Personal Email|13| | |LinkedIn Profile|17| | |Work Email|13| | |Twitter Profile|17| | |Skype ID|85| | |Facebook Profile|17| | |GTalk ID|1| | ==== Studies Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |High School|1| | |High School Graduation Year|1| | |High School GPA|1| | |High School Comments|21| | |Undergraduate School|1| | |Undergraduate School Graduation Year|1| | |Undergraduate School GPA|1| | |Undergraduate Comments|21| | |Postgraduate Degree/School|1| | |Postgraduate School Graduation Year|1| | |Postgraduate Degree School GPA|1| | |Postgraduate Comments|21| | ==== Custom Information === ==== Additional Information === ^Field^Type^Values^ |Description|19| |