Web service documentation: Operations

coreBOS has a rich set of generic operations that can be used on any module in the application.

The next chapters will cover all of these operations from a functional or reference point of view depending on the importance of each operation.

Before we start we will layout some conventions used in subsequent parts of the manual:

Id Format:

objectTypeId 'x' objectId

the first number represents the module identifier while the second number represents the internal identifier of the record. They are separated by a lower case x, like this: 3×40

Object: a JSON object which represents a field-value mapping of a record in the application. Each module has its own set of fields so each object will have a different set of fields to match the module it represents. Each object has a common set of fields which are:

Map: an associative array of key-value entries, usually represented by a simple JSON object. the only difference with an Object is that it does not contain the identifier fields. This is typically used in create operations.

Timestamp: a long integer representing a UNIX Epoch

Let's dive into the operations.