Table of Contents

Documentation Generation::Fields and Templates Grammar

We have a special helper extension that can be found under the Tools menu called OOMerge Fields. This extension will list all available fields for each module and their internal name so we can easily copy and paste the field names into our OpenOffice template documents.

Template Grammar

Special Text Formatting in Labels

This is to allow the formatting of text that is coming from the application. This feature allows you to format the text within a label, inside vtiger CRM. In other words, the format is introduced when creating the text in the appropriate field of the application, then the document generator will convert these formats directly into comprehensible elements in OpenOffice. Only 4 types of formatting items are allowed, with which it is possible to apply any OpenOffice format to the text.

This formatting will be applied to any text contained inside the directives.

Nesting of <b> and <i> is not supported, use <style> to create this effect.

The character styles SIGPAC_BOLD, SIGAC_ITALIC or any other defined by the user must be created in the template by the user, the document generator only applies the style, it does not create it, if it is not defined the text will appear normal.

There is abundant information about character styles in the online documentation of OpenOffice. Here we can see the styles definition screen:

This is the template used for testing the functionality where the styles definitions can be seen.
This is an example of how the text looks inside the field of vtiger CRM.

<b>EVIDENCIA</b>: El Responsable de seguridad declara que los sistemas de información se han sometido a la precpetiva auditoría bienal en <br/><style estilo=MiEstilo>materia de protección de datos</style>
<i>DEFICIENCIA</i>: No se aprecian.

This is the finished, merged document.
Another example of character formatting.

Company Information

We can also access the company information configured in the Settings section of the application using the meta label Organization as you can see in the OOmerge Labels extension.

Since the information available on the company settings section is rather limited and you could need more, the install process created the global variable GenDoc_Company_Account where you can set the accountid of any Accounts record from which you wish to access your company's information. The idea is that you create an account record for your company and use all the fields there.


Like this:

{date:d} of {date:F} of {date:Y}
and this would be the correct day of the week: {date:l}