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Business Mappings Store

Here you can find a whole set of different Business Mappings which can be used in your application directly or with easy modifications to adapt them to your needs.

PageDescriptionRule TypeDistributionAuthor Name
Business Mapping:: Contacts2AccountsConvert a Contact into an AccountField MappingFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Business Mapping:: HelpDesk2SalesOrderFill in SalesOrder fields when creating from a HelpDesk TicketField MappingFreeLuke
Business Mapping:: Invoice2CobroPago Amount DueCopy Amount Due field instead of Total Amount when adding Payments to Invoice in coreBOSCRMField MappingFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Business Mapping:: PurchaseOrder_FieldDependencyThis map fills in the Purchase Order Billing address when a vendor is selectedField DependencyFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Business Mapping:: SalesOrder2PurchaseOrderConvert a SalesOrder into a PurchaseOrderField MappingFreeMajorLabel
Business Mapping:: SalesOrder2SalesOrderAutomate address fields when duplicating a SalesOrder to take Account's address in stead of source SalesOrderField MappingFreeMajorLabel
Business Mapping:: Validation Brazilian nameForce field to be written in Brazilian nameValidationFreeRanieri Slemer

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