This is an old revision of the document!

How to Configure Outgoing Server

coreBOS needs an email account to send out administrative emails regarding the operation of the application. Using this email account the program will send warning emails from workflows, notification of calendar events and end of import information (for example).

Since the application requires this email account we decided to also use it to send normal work email messages from the users. For this to work and appear that each user sends emails from his own email we use a feature implemented into the mailing protocol (SMTP) called RELAY. Using this technique, the program connects to the server with the account that is configured and tells it that it will be sending an mail on behalf of another email account.

This characteristic of the SMTP system has gone through a phase of bad press because of its abuse by spammers and viruses that exploit it to send unauthorized messages on behalf of other users. That is why some servers, with stricter security measures, do not support this feature and will NOT work with coreBOS or only allow sending emails as one single user, the one configured in the outgoing server settings.

The outgoing server settings can be set in the Settings section of the application and in there, in the Outgoing Server section.

Settings > Outgoing Server

Outgoing Serverthis is the server to which we must connect to send emails. This field supports a special extended syntax with which we can specify the protocol and port to use like this:


User Name and Passwordthe user name and passwords that will give us access to the server
Email FromThis field will force all emails leaving the system to seem to come from this email. It is quite restrictive, since no user will get the answers but can send if your server is among those that do not work with RELAY (see above)
Requires Authentication?permits us to define the protocol to use for the connection

When you save the connection data, coreBOS will launch a test to connect and send an email. If the email is not successfully sent NO data will be saved. We will be returned to the configuration page with a message saying that the email could not be sent. At this point there is a connection, authentication or lack of RELAY support error and you must go to the debugging techniques.

When we are returned to the settings page, the previous values are present. We cannot see the password field, but is it most probably INCORRECT, the value you introduced is NOT filled in again. Please introduce the password on ALL tests that you launch.

If we reach this message while debugging:

SMTP -> FROM SERVER:550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
SMTP -> ERROR: DATA END command failed: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
SMTP Error: data not accepted.

The mail server is saying that we do NOT have permission to send. It basically says that the error is because the account that is connected must be the same as the sender, the server does not support RELAY.

If you reach this point, I recommend you register for an account at sendgrid, it really works great and gives you much more information than you have now. They have free accounts with a limit of 200 emails a day and for a small amount of money you can do even more. We use it regularly to mass mailings from coreBOSCRM and to control administrative email deliveries. It is worth more than it costs.


This very old PDF file shared on the forum explains some issues. The important part is this one:

<code>Open the file vtigercrm/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php in your favourite text editor. Find the following lines: function IsSMTP() { $this→Mailer = “smtp”; Change “smtp” to “sendmail” </code<

Debugging errors


Have a read here about how coreBOS outgoing email server works and how to configure it.

Activate the debug log at level FATAL and set the Debug_Email_Sending global variable to 1. This will send the whole conversation between coreBOS and the email server to the log file so you can diagnose the problem.

In previous versions, we used to need the changes below which I leave here as a reference only. The global variable method is better.

To debug the outgoing email server the best is to activate PHPMailer debugging with the changes below and look in the debug log file (logs/vtigercrm.log)

diff --git a/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php b/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php
index 8427255..61bd55c 100644
--- a/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php
+++ b/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class PHPMailer
      * @var integer
      * @see SMTP::$do_debug
-    public $SMTPDebug = 0;
+    public $SMTPDebug = 4;
      * How to handle debug output.
diff --git a/modules/Emails/mail.php b/modules/Emails/mail.php
index a8cac72..7674172 100755
--- a/modules/Emails/mail.php
+++ b/modules/Emails/mail.php
@@ -328,7 +328,14 @@ function setMailServerProperties($mail)
        $mail->Host = $server;          // specify main and backup server
        $mail->Username = $username ;   // SMTP username
        $mail->Password = $password ;   // SMTP password
+global $log;$log->fatal(array(
+       'SMTPOptions' => $mail->SMTPOptions,
+       'SMTPSecure' => $mail->SMTPSecure,
+       'Host' => $mail->Host = $server,
+       'Username' => $mail->Username = $username,
+       'Password' => $mail->Password = $password,
+$mail->Debugoutput = function($str, $level) { global $log;$log->fatal($str);};
2014/05/19 11:20 · joebordes

coreBOS Documentación