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Google Integration in Calendar module

Starting at coreBOS release December 2014

We have updated Google Integration from API v.1 (already deprecated by Google) to the newest API v.3.

The integration is being done through Service Account, which lets a user login to Google Calendar in background by previously entering three parameters:

  • API Key,
  • Service Account Client ID.
  • p12 Key file.

Due to Google Security issues, integration does not require user's email password anymore. So a user has to configure his Google Account in order to get those three values and give privileged access to certain calendars.

Here's a step by step guide to help you configure your Google Account.

1.- Go to the link

2.- Create your project

3.- Go to the Project. Click API in APIs&auth section and activate the Calendar API

4.- Go to the Credentials section and create the Public API Key by clicking Create New Key. Choose Server Key

5.- Create Service Account by clicking Create New Client ID in the OAuth section. Choose Service Account Option

6.- Automatically a file will be downloaded. Save it. It is the Key file you will need as one of the three parameters.

7.- You'll get a view like the next image. The selected text is the Client Id or the second parameter you'll need (only put that part) and the API Key is the third one.

8.- Now Copy the Email Address field of the Service Account

9.- Now go into your Google Calendar. Open the Settings (up on the right corner of the calendar). Go into the second tab, Calendars and choose the Calendar/s you want to share with coreBOS Calendar

10.- Choose the second tab, Share this Calendar and in the Share with specific persons section Paste the Email address previously copied. Give write access to that email address and Save. Do this for the other calendars as well.

11.- Now your configuration is done. All you have to do is go into coreBOS Calendar Module. Click the Setting button and upload the p12 file you previously downloaded.

12.- Now you can put the three configuration parameters in the three fields.

13.- And choose the calendar you want to synchronize on the right of Call or Meeting Activity List

14.- Create an event and you'll see it on Google Calendar

That's it. Enjoy!

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