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Convert Lead Webservice

FIXME Validate this and make database change in coreBOS updater if really needed.

Usage example of convert lead webservice in order to convert an existing Leads into Accounts, Contacts & Opportunity using Webservice.

Important points to note before using following code:

  • Check table vtiger_ws_entity to know the “id” (Webservice module ID) of “Leads” module. Ensure that the Lead ID passed to vtws_convertleads function is in 'x' format.
  • Modify “vtiger_ws_operation_parameters” table as showen below to reflect right parameters for “convertlead” Webservice call.
DELETE FROM vtiger_ws_operation_parameters WHERE operationid = (SELECT operationid from vtiger_ws_operation WHERE name = 'convertlead');
INSERT INTO vtiger_ws_operation_parameters (operationid, name, type, sequence) VALUES ('13', 'element', 'encoded', '1');

We are making this change in above table because parameters required in vtws_convertlead function in include/Webservices/vtws_convertlead.php is changed in vTiger 5.4 compared to earlier versions. But corresponding change in vtiger_ws_operation_parameters is not made.

  • Following example uses standard vtwsclib library.
  • Sample code:
    function vtws_login(){
            $$url = '';
    	$client = new Vtiger_WSClient($url);
    	$login = $client->doLogin('admin', 'KpS9EjNz16JtPmoe');
            if(!$login) return 0;
            return $client;
    function vtws_convertleads($recordid){
            $client = vtws_login();
            if ($client <> 0){
                    $recordInfo = $client->doRetrieve($recordid);
                    $wasError= $client->lastError();
                    if($wasError) {
                            return $wasError['code'] . ':' . $wasError['message'];
                    if($recordInfo) {
                            $client1 = vtws_login();
                            $convert_lead_array = array();
                            $convert_lead_array['leadId'] = $recordInfo['id'];
                            $convert_lead_array['assignedTo'] = $recordInfo['assigned_user_id'];
                            $convert_lead_array['entities']['Accounts']['accountname'] = $recordInfo['company'];
                            $convert_lead_array['entities']['Potentials']['closingdate']= date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 week Saturday"));
                            $convert_lead_array['entities']['Potentials']['sales_stage']= 'Prospecting';
                            $convert_lead_array['entities']['Potentials']['amount']= 0;
                            $convert_lead_json = json_encode($convert_lead_array);
                            $response = $client1->doInvoke('convertlead', array('element'=>$convert_lead_json));
                            $wasError = $client1->lastError();
                            if($wasError) {
                                    return $wasError['code'] . ':' . $wasError['message'];
                            } else {
                                    return 1;
                    return 'Login failed';
    $d = '2x21022';
    echo vtws_convertleads($d);

Thanks Ashutosh

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