User Tools

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Helper Scripts

In the build/HelperScripts directory you can find a series of small scripts and tools that are useful to achieve some of those special tasks that help adapt the system to your specific needs. Some of these should be done directly inside the application, and hopefully, someday they will be, but in the meantime, these are the steps to get it working.


This is an example script to show how you can add an action link in the right panel of the detail view of an existing module. In this case, it is adding an Add Ticket action link to the Accounts module.

This script is no longer necessary. The Business Actions module permits us to create links of all types directly inside the application with a much more flexible permission system. That said, the script still works but is not the recommended way to create links anymore.


This is an example script to show how to associated a workflow custom method to a module. You can read more about it here.


This is not needed anymore, you can now go to Settings > Module Manager > ModComments > Settings and activate it there.

This script adds the comment functionality to any module. Copy it to the root of your install and execute in the browser with the module name you want to have the feature:


Remember to delete the file when you are finished.


This is the composer installer worker script. It is in charge of launching the install/update of modules installed using composer. More on this can be read in the Perspective Initiative.


This script converts a uitype 1 text field into a picklist respecting all the current values in the field. It accepts two parameters:

  • module: the name of the module which contains the field to transform
  • fieldname: the name of the field to convert


Script to load and show the functionality of the coreBOS Eventing system


This is an example script to show how to delete a module


This script is for debugging the workflow process. It executes a given workflow, against a record and gives us the result of the evaluation of the conditions on screen. If the workflow is a scheduled workflow it will show us the full SQL generated. If it is an event based workflow it will tell us if it evaluates to true or false for the record.


This helper script is a utility to manually execute one task inside a given workflow against a given entity in the system. We basically use this to debug workflows that fail for some reason and have more than one task. Once you know which task is failing you can concentrate on that one to debug it.


This is an example script to show how to install a module from its manifest.xml file when all files are already copied into place in the filesystem


This script is a copy of the installmodule.php script specifically tailored to installing the coreBOS updater module.


Script that creates 100 records and then deletes them. We use this one to test time impact of the optimization changes we make :-)

Please do not leave this files in the root of your install. Remember to delete the file when you are finished.

dumpdatabase.php and addAuditModtracker.sql

The dumpdatabase script will create a MySQL dump of your database leaving out the potentially big tables of audit trail and module tracker. This is very useful when those table get VERY big (as they do on long living installs) both to get a copy of the database to debug some behavior and to make faster backups during the work week leaving a full dump for company low or downtime.

The addAuditModtracker.sql script will create the tables so you can use the database.

composer2readme and module2wiki

These php scripts will connect to a standard coreBOS module or extension directory structure and output a dokuwiki syntax page with a summary of the module or extension which you can use as a starting point to document it in our extensions section.

php build/HelperScripts/composer2readme.php
php build/HelperScripts/module2wiki.php

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