Registered Modules, Extensions, Patches and Plugins

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PageDescriptionType DistributionAuthor Name
Daily Activity Report ExtensionThis extension permits you to see what changes happened in the application and by who each day.corebos-module
coreBOS Employee ModuleEmployee module for coreBOScorebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Confidential InformationExtension to safely store sensitive information. Data will be encrypted and only accessible by users with the appropriate credentials. The goal of the module is to protect sensitive information both from unauthorized access from within the company and from anybody who could somehow get a hold of our full database, be them ill-intentioned or simply third parties that require access to support or solve problems.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
coreBOS Multi-AddressModule to manage many addresses related to Accounts and Contacts. You will be able to relate as many addresses as you need to each account/contact and then establish the default billing and shipping address on them and on each individual Quote, SalesOrder, PurchaseOrder and Invoice.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Módulo Información ConfidencialExtensión a vtigerCRM para guardar información confidencial de manera segura. Los datos serán encriptados y solo accesibles por usuarios con las credenciales apropiadas El objetivo de este módulo es el de proteger la información confidencial del acceso no autorizado, tanto desde dentro de la empresa como de todo aquel que de alguna manera podría conseguir un acceso a nuestra base de datos completa, ya sean con malas intenciones o simplemente terceros que requieren acceso para dar soporte o resolver problemas.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Forecast and Budget ControlPlan a whole range of budgeting target against each Salesman / product / period based on potential Closed Woncorebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Time/Resource ControlThis module adds time control to coreBOS. The idea is that you will be able to register in the system time slots spent on the majority of the entities in the application. So a sales person can register time spent on a lead, a technician can register time spent on a trouble ticket or administration can register time spent on an invoice.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
coreBOS Import/Export RelationsThis extension permits exporting information about **many to many relations between records** from one coreBOS install to another.corebos-extensionFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Listas de SegmentaciónMódulo para registrar las diferentes agrupaciones de nuestros clientes por distintos criterios con la finalidad de poder trabajar con ellos de manera segmentada.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Segmentation ListsModule to register the different groupings of our clients by different criteria in order to work with them in a segmented manner.corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Convert State field to picklistThis change will convert state fields on Accounts, Contacts, Vendors, Leads and Inventory modules into shared picklists.changeFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Convert Country field to picklistThis change will convert country fields on Accounts, Contacts, Vendors, Leads and Inventory modules into shared picklists.changeFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Project TeamModule to relate project and contacts. It is similar to the [[en:extensions:extensions:cbstakeholder|Stake Holder module]].corebos-moduleFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Multi Warehouse EnhancementsPerspective of three modules to manage multiwarehouse stock and movements of material between warehouses.corebos-perspectiveFreeJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Mass Document ImportcoreBOS extension that permits mass import of documentsextensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
vtDZinerCreate and manage modulesextensionSalevTigress
Federal CourtModule to record US Federal Courtscorebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Separate RelatedTo field on HelpDeskThis enhancement will separate the Account/Contact RelatedTo field on the HelpDesk module.enhancementSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Separate RelatedTo field on PotentialsThis enhancement will separate the Account/Contact RelatedTo field on the Potentials module.enhancementSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Separate RelatedTo field on ProjectsThis enhancement will separate the Account/Contact RelatedTo field on the Projects module.enhancementSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Separate Account and Contact field on PaymentsThis enhancement will add a new Account field on the Payments module.enhancementSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Relate Projects with Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and InvoicesThis enhancement will add a Project field on the four inventory modules and the corresponding related list on the Project module.enhancementSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
JurorContact like module to register information about jurors.\\ This is part of the **Attorneys Back Office** application.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
State CourtModule to record US State Courtscorebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
US Federal DistrictsModule to record US Federal Districtscorebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Paralegals ModuleContact-like module to register information about paralegal employees.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office** **Human Resources** extensions.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Attorneys ModuleContact-like module to register information about the Attorneys in our office.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office**.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Opposing Attorneys ModuleContact-like module to register information about the Opposing Attorneys we face in litigation matters.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office**.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Opposing Party ModuleContact-like module to register information about the Opposing Party we face in litigation matters.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office**.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
US Appeals Court Circuit ModuleInformation about courts we may work with.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office**.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Litigation Team DetailsThis module permits defining the details and people working on a litigation. It is a very basic team management module.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office** extensions.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Litigation Team FunctionsThis module permits defining the function or responsibility of people working on a litigation. We can define the role each team member working on the matter has as they participate on different litigations.\\ It is a part of the team management extensions of **Attorney's Back Office**.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Litigation Matter DetailsThis project-like module permits defining the details of a litigation matter our business is working on.\\ This is part of the **Attorney's Back Office** extensions.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
OnDemand User moduleThis extension modifies coreBOS to control the number of active users that are permitted to use the system. It was created to support On-Demand hosting services so you will be able to limit the users accessing the system and enforce per-user costs.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Quality Actions moduleThis module is related with [[|Quality Claims module]] and details the different actions or steps taken to resolve or attend the quality claim.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Quality Claims moduleModule to control Quality Claims, used to enforce and document ISO standards. It should capture the details of the claim, who is attending it, the date references and the outcome. This module is related with [[|Quality Actions module]] where each exact step is recorded.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Research Request moduleModule to control research or investigation requests, used, for example, to document quote analysis requests or the study of possible solutions to problems that appear in the business. This module is related with [[|Research Request Actions module]] where each exact step is recorded.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Research Request Actions moduleThis module is related with [[|Research Request module]] and details the different actions or steps taken to resolve or attend the request.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Auto Increment Number Field moduleThis configuration module permits you to define different increment counters with a prefix for fields in modules and then apply them with conditions using workflows. It will permit you to have various counter/increment fields on any module or increment differently the same field depending on values in the record being saved.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Inventory Modules Grouping and ConvertingThis extension permits mass conversion of different inventory modules into other inventory modules with optional grouping on accounts and products. For example you will be able to convert a set of SalesOrders into Invoices or PurchaseOrders and vice versa. All six (6) inventory modules are supported in possible conversions.corebos-extensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Google Measurement Protocol ExtensionThis extension permits you to send data to Google Analytics based on ClientID on Account via WorkfFlow. With this easy setup you can fully track the ROI of your google investments and do all sorts of analysis and statistics on your clients using Google Analytics platform.corebos-extensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Lock Record ExtensionThis extension will inform about record editing and optionally block the edit completely.\\ When you access a record in detail view and another user in the application is editing it, you will be informed it is being edited. Optionally you can activate a full block, so, if you try to edit the record you will not be permitted to do so until the other edit finishes.\\ This work is based on Stefan Warnat's work as he donated the initial version to the coreBOS project. Thank you!!corebos-extensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Cloud File ExtensionThis extension permits you to link files in different locations like Dropbox, Google Drive, Samba, Webdav or File System to any record in the application. It will only register the link to the file which will not be downloaded into coreBOS.corebos-extensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Color and Condition Fields and Blocks ExtensionThis extension permits you to establish different coloring and formatting rules for fields on a module depending on conditions based on the values of the fields in the record. You can also manipulate blocks by closing and hiding them depending on field conditions defined.corebos-extensionSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Applications moduleThis asset-like module records all the software applications and appliances we have in our company. Ideal for inventory, license control and renewals.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Adequacy moduleThis project-like module is part of the Adequacy functionality. It represents the actual implementation process in the company designated by the [[|flow]] and [[|steps]] and controls the status of implementation of the adequacy project.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Adequacy: Flow moduleThis module is part of the [[|Adequacy functionality]]. It represents the exact sequence of steps that must be taken to achieve the implementation process in the company. The idea of this module is to permit creating as many business process flow as needed and then instantiate then using an [[|Adequacy]]. A business flow is an exact sequence of [[|business steps]].corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Adequacy: Steps moduleThis module is part of the [[|Adequacy functionality]]. It represents a pool of steps or actions that can be done in any given adequacy project. The [[|flow]] module will group these steps together into sequences to be used.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
ARCO ModuleMódulo para registrar las incidencias de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación y Oposición para cumplir con la LOPD.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.
Cookies moduleThis asset-like module records all the cookies being used by an account on their website. Necessary for inventory knowledge and legal requirements.corebos-moduleSaleJPL TSolucio, S.L.

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